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Cozmo App (Android 5 - 12)

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Cozmo by ANKI

Cozmo App (Android 5 - 12)

Postby saradsmejem » 18 Jan 2024, 13:12

Cozmo App v3.4.3 /2021-09-03/
(Latest version by DDL)

>>> GooglePlay DOWNLOAD <<<
>>> App DOWNLOAD <<<

CHANGELOG 3.4.0 - 3.4.3
Fixed an issue with typing in Code Lab where the keyboard would hide itself immediately after being called.
Fixed an issue where Unity's additional assets caused the app to crash during the loading process on some devices.
Fixed an issue where the icon for removing a number in the Code Lab number mini-keyboard was missing.
Update Privacy Policy.
Update Terms of Service.
Fix broken links from deprecated Anki website to Digital Dream Labs website and support resources.

Added 64-bit support.
Rebrand from Anki to Digital Dream Labs.

Cozmo App v3.4.0 /2019-03-13/
(Latest ANKI version.)

>>> App DOWNLOAD <<<

CHANGELOG 3.3.0 - 3.4.0
* Education (EDU) Mode /NEW/
* 12 Education Sample Projects in Code Lab
* CODE LAB Featured Content:
- Robo Game Show /NEW/
- Roll to the Goal /NEW/
- Pot O' Gold /Re-Release/
- Twist Tap Roll /Re-Release/
* Bug fixes & polish
(We are aware of some text and icon overlap issues on connection screens.)

Cozmo App v3.3.0 /2019-02-07/
(Older ANKI version for possible better compatibility with older Android versions.)

>>> App DOWNLOAD <<<
Aktívne sa venujem Brutu, psychadelickej poézii a próze, sci-fi, hororovej, dobrodružnej a fantasy tvorbe, preto akékoľvek príspevky tu zverejnené, môžu byť ich priamou súčasťou. Každé slovo alebo veta, balansuje medzi úplnou pravdou a čírou fikciou, ktorá nemusí mať s realitou nič spoločné. Nikoho nenabádam na zlé, škaredé či brutálne, ani nenabádam k porušovaniu platnej legislatívy štátu či porušovaniu pravidiel BRUT.me a v prípade, že dôjde k nesprávnemu pochopeniu mojich príspevkov alebo zámernej dezinformácii založenej na ich podklade, nenesiem za dané konanie žiadnu zodpovednosť a iba sa na ňom smejem!
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Cozmo App Soundtrack

Postby saradsmejem » 22 Jan 2024, 13:05

Aktívne sa venujem Brutu, psychadelickej poézii a próze, sci-fi, hororovej, dobrodružnej a fantasy tvorbe, preto akékoľvek príspevky tu zverejnené, môžu byť ich priamou súčasťou. Každé slovo alebo veta, balansuje medzi úplnou pravdou a čírou fikciou, ktorá nemusí mať s realitou nič spoločné. Nikoho nenabádam na zlé, škaredé či brutálne, ani nenabádam k porušovaniu platnej legislatívy štátu či porušovaniu pravidiel BRUT.me a v prípade, že dôjde k nesprávnemu pochopeniu mojich príspevkov alebo zámernej dezinformácii založenej na ich podklade, nenesiem za dané konanie žiadnu zodpovednosť a iba sa na ňom smejem!
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Cozmo App Tips & Tricks

Postby saradsmejem » 02 Feb 2024, 09:37

If You have problems with installing the extra files, sideloaded APKPure, once it is installed, look for Cozmo app and Install it, then uninstall APKPure - you will have to navigate through the apps ads, but it will work.
Aktívne sa venujem Brutu, psychadelickej poézii a próze, sci-fi, hororovej, dobrodružnej a fantasy tvorbe, preto akékoľvek príspevky tu zverejnené, môžu byť ich priamou súčasťou. Každé slovo alebo veta, balansuje medzi úplnou pravdou a čírou fikciou, ktorá nemusí mať s realitou nič spoločné. Nikoho nenabádam na zlé, škaredé či brutálne, ani nenabádam k porušovaniu platnej legislatívy štátu či porušovaniu pravidiel BRUT.me a v prípade, že dôjde k nesprávnemu pochopeniu mojich príspevkov alebo zámernej dezinformácii založenej na ich podklade, nenesiem za dané konanie žiadnu zodpovednosť a iba sa na ňom smejem!

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Re: Cozmo App (Android 5 - 12)

Postby GreenMatrix » 08 Apr 2024, 20:50


Error downloading obb

Many are upset that they cannot run Cozmo on the newer Android versions. Alas! I have a work around that I've been using 💪

This method works with free tools so no payment is needed.

Before mod:


After mod:


Tools you need:

Cozmo 3.4.3 + obb XAPK:
https://d.apkpure.com/b/XAPK/com.digita ... ion=latest

https://appcloner.applisto.com/download ... 040715.apk

Download from.Google Play Store

File FV Explorer:
Download from.Google Play Store

Appcloner settings file:
See attached files in reply to this post

USB Debugging enabled
Wireless Debugging Enabled
3gb Storage free just for good measure

Instructions (basic instructions):

- Download all of the above

- Install appcloner > run the app > go through intro > click apk tab from home screen > click + icon in bottom right corner > load in Cozmo 3.4.3 xapk

- It will load a different screen with Cozmo apk loaded > Click the settings icon in top right > under load settings category, click 'From a settings file' > load in the Cozmo-3.4.3.settings file.

- Clone Cozmo apk by clicking the Blue Appcloner logo icon > install > no need to run

- Install FV File Explorer > Run it > Once opened to home screen, navigate to cozmo-3.4.3.xapk file > Rename to cozmo-3.4.3.xapk.zip

- In FV File Explorer then click and hold the renamed file > Click 3 dots in top right > extract to.. > confirm > now you can close FV File Explorer, we'll come to the extracted files later

- Now install Shizuku from appstore > run it > Follow its setup instructions. NOTE: When enabling and pairing wireless debugging, you can use a non internet dummy WiFi connection, I.e. a mobile hotspot with internet off.

- Start Shizuku service > Open FV File explorer > Click Open / Android with Shizuku button > Follow instructions and prompts > when you see: Data / Media / Obb you will see its opened on the second top tab > Click home tab > navigate to your extracted Cozmo xapk content > go into Android > Obb > STOP! 👇

BEFORE YOU COPY THIS ACROSS, you must make a name change:
>>> the file must change to: main.6.com.digitaldreamlabs.cozmo3.obb
>>> the folder must change to: com.digitaldreamlabs.cozmo3

👆 this is as you made a +1 clone in appcloner, and didn't replicate the original app for an original clone. DDL's release of Cozmo ends cozmo2, our +1 clone uses cozmo3.

- Once you have renamed the files, then copy the folder and remember the tab next to the home tab, click that, then click > obb and paste the folder in there. If all setup correct the obb should paste.

- To check all is working, open Cozmo app, enable storage access, and it should load successfully.


- FV File Explorer does nothing when I press the Shizuku button?
Close FV file explorer, go to shizuku and Starr the service again.
Ensure you're connected to WiFi with USB debugging and wireless debugging enabled.

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