Dôrazne odsudzujeme násilie a terorizmus v akejkoľvek forme!
No taktiež pripomíname, že polarizovaná spoločnosť prináša zúfalých ľudí a zúfalí ľudia robia zúfalé činy! KTO SEJE VIETOR, ŽNE BÚRKU!
Mier Všetkým

I have said time and time again that the assassination of a member of our polarizing government was to be expected, as was the recent email terror attack through fake bomb announcements throughout schools and institutions across our country.
We strongly condemn violence and terrorism in any form!
But we also remind you that a polarized society brings desperate people and desperate people do desperate things! HE WHO SOWS THE WIND REAPS THE WHIRLWIND!
Peace to All